Most commonly, submental (or “double chin”) liposuction can be performed to reduce unwanted fullness of the upper neck and to improve neck contour and jawline definition.

Ideal submental liposuction candidates are patients with good skin elasticity and focal areas of upper neck fat excess. In general, in patients aged 40 or greater, loss of skin elasticity becomes more prominent and these patients may be better served by a face & necklift to tighten and contour the neck and jawline.

For an optimal outcome, it is important to evaluate the surrounding areas. The chin and jawline structure, size of the neck glands and masseter muscles, and buccal fat contour must be assessed to determine if other adjunctive procedures are recommended to attain the best result.

Submental liposuction can be performed comfortably as an in office procedure with the use of local anesthetic medication.

Liposuction can also be performed in other areas of the face, such as the jowls, in patients who have good skin elasticity.




Discomfort after submental liposuction is minimal. The majority of patients do not even take tylenol.

Patients are instructed to wear a soft removable compression garment for 1 week after surgery to expedite the resolution of swelling. Bruising tends to resolve within 2 weeks after surgery.

As with all liposuction procedures, the final contour may not be apparent until 6 – 12 months after surgery; however, patients often notice a significant improvement in the contour of the area within 3 – 4 weeks after surgery.